The artist who experienced the “fullness” of life (14 photos)
Colombian artist Fernando Botero Angulo depicts the characters in his paintings and the objects around them in a deliberately exaggerated manner.
Fernando Botero Angulo is a world-renowned Colombian artist popularly nicknamed the “fat man painter.” But this is not entirely true, because he depicts ordinary people, animals and even objects in a deliberately exaggerated (inflated) form. As a child, the artist was influenced by the baroque style of colonial churches and the urban appearance of Medellin (the author’s hometown, Colombia), which can be felt in the choice of subject matter for many of his paintings.
"Colombian Dance"
He is called the most Colombian of all Colombian artists, his works become memes, and art theorists argue about the specifics of the artistic movement.
"Vatican Bath"

Based on Jan van Eyck's painting "Portrait of the Arnolfini Couple"

"Ballerina at the Barre"


In addition to paintings, Botero creates sculptures without changing his style. Their originals and copies can be found in different parts of the world: in Russia (Moscow), Colombia (Medellin), Spain (Madrid), etc.
Two portraits

“Imitation of Piero della Francesca”: portraits of Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza.
“The Crying Woman” based on the painting by Pablo Picasso

"Woman Kidnapped by a Demon"

They both seem surprised.
"Papa Leo X"

"Still life with green soup"

"Mona Lisa" (imitation of Leonardo da Vinci)

Interesting fact: the artist studied at a school for matadors for two years, and his first illustrations were published when Botero was only 16 years old.
"President" and "First Lady"

Portrait of a cat