Moscow. Photos from views of areas, temples, buildings and other structures (256 photos)

25 February 2013
4 769
Category: nostalgia, 0+

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Naydenov's famous albums in one archive! It is perhaps difficult to find another collection of historical documents about one city of the same value, completed by the efforts and funds of one enthusiast. Pre-revolutionary photographs of monuments of architecture and spiritual culture, many of which were preserved only in these photographs, therefore the phrase said by the author - the first phrase of the preface - “The purpose of this publication is to preserve as a souvenir for the future the appearance of the temples existing in Moscow” turned out to be prophetic...

The expensive survey was carried out by the best Moscow company at that time, Scherer, Nabholz and Co., a supplier to the Imperial Court.
The archive contains, in addition to five volumes (all 7 albums) of the well-known publication "Moscow. Cathedrals, monasteries and churches" containing photographs of cathedrals, monasteries, churches, views of some urban areas, churches of Moscow and their brief description, also a continuation published several years later , where the author significantly expanded the topic - under the general title "Moscow. Views of some urban areas, temples, notable buildings and other structures." In addition to temples, civil buildings (palaces, museums, city gates, shopping arcades, sculptural monuments), as well as panoramas of the Kremlin, Kitay-Gorod, and Zamoskvorechye are captured here.

It is especially worth highlighting the views of the main Moscow streets, which convey the unique appearance of Moscow at the end of the 19th century. The pages of these albums contain plans and images of the Kremlin and Moscow of the 17th - 18th centuries, reproduced from manuscripts, engravings, images on icons and drawings. Next to the sketches of Olearius (1636), Meyerberg (1661), there are beautiful engravings by Delabart, watercolors by F. Ya. Alekseev and M. I. Makhaev, and the 19th century is represented, in addition, by copies of ancient drawings and reproductions of the general appearance of lost or converted buildings, often more beautiful than newly built ones.
In this expressive “iconography” of Moscow of the 17th-19th centuries, contemporaries paid special attention to the drawings of four temples, which were made, back in childhood, by N.A. Naidenov himself, and also, at that time for the first time (and as it later turned out, the only one once) a circular panorama of the city was printed - taken back in 1867 from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior!

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The material presented in these albums is absolutely priceless, since it gives an idea of old Moscow, gone or changed its appearance; it gives many generations of researchers the only opportunity to fully become familiar with the forever lost architectural and artistic heritage, since after 1917 only in the White City 4 disappeared monastery and 26 churches, in Zemlyanoy Gorod - 39 churches, in Zamoskvorechye - 12 churches...

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