
Monograms by names, initials, types of activities, royal and princely symbols (70 photos)

6 April 2013
28 650
Category: nostalgia, 0+

Разрешение картинок от 1381x1823px до 3439x4432px

3270 x 4321

70 sheets with illustrations from the ancient Album of Industrial Monograms (Das Gewerbe-Monogramm / Le Monogramme Industriel). The sheets contain wonderful high quality images of monograms, monograms, fonts, decorative elements and heraldic attributes.

3300 x 4320

3264 x 4308

3312 x 4320

3252 x 4296

3294 x 4273

3246 x 4320

3288 x 4320

3264 x 4308

3264 x 4296

3300 x 4296

3366 x 4361

3252 x 4296

3288 x 4320

3276 x 4296

3276 x 4296

3359 x 4350

3312 x 4320

3439 x 4432

3264 x 4308

3276 x 4296

3252 x 4296

3336 x 4332

3328 x 4332

3276 x 4296

3276 x 4296

3336 x 4332

3264 x 4296

3264 x 4296

3276 x 4308


Archive size 295.9 Mb, downloaded 656 times

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