
Artist - illustrator Jean-Pierre Gibrat (129 works)

18 January 2013
7 681

Jean-Pierre Gibrat was born on April 14, 1954 in Paris. In the city, which, in the end, he will make an equal character in his stories. But that will come later. Before getting into comics, he, a child of a completely calm “burgher” environment, studies a lot. His main hobby was history. However, at the beginning, in the 70s, he received a bachelor's degree in philosophy, after which he studied graphic design and applied his knowledge in the field of advertising, and only in the period from 1975 to 1977 he fully devoted himself to the study of fine arts.
In 1977, his first works, short stories, appeared in the magazine “Pilote”, a landmark for French comics. This magazine was founded in 1959 by a number of comics artists (artists, screenwriters) and publishers, among whom were Rene Gossiny and Albert Uderzo, the creators of stories about the resilient Gauls Asterix and Obelix, who became symbols of France.

Zhibra creates his first comics in collaboration with Jackie Berroyer, with whom he forms a creative tandem. Together they will write until 1985, and the most successful will be a charming series of works about Paris and Parisians, called very simply and clearly - “Parisians”.
After the creative union diverges, Zhibra collaborates with screenwriter Dani Saval. In 1985, two books “The Adventures of Zaz” and “Godard was Lucky” were published. Godard is the main character of the “Parisian” cycle. What distinguishes the work of Jean-Pierre Gibre is his amazingly beautiful watercolor painting and very sincere narration, bordering on spiritual intimacy. Even his negative characters are not without charm.
In 1995, in collaboration with Leroy, the album Pinocchia was created, which still resonates with Jean-Pierre.
The latest work of Jean-Pierre Gibres at the moment was a duology about Matteo, which tells about the First World War. The first volume, entitled “The First Period (1914-1915)” was published in 2008, the second, quite recent, in 2010 – “The Second Period (1917-1918)”


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