A woman took cooking for children to a new level (15 photos)
Meet the culinary wizard whose creativity inspires and makes you smile - Sarah Lescrawwaet-Beach. She cooked food for her children, trying to diversify the diet and make something cute, and published her masterpieces on social networks. People liked it so much that now Sarah is a real celebrity.
1. Sarah continues to create cool drawings from fruits and vegetables, but as a food blogger
2. She turns ordinary foods into funny and amazing animal faces.

Как садят рис
Смотреть видео3. Her social media account has become a real source of inspiration for many, bringing a dose of fun and creativity to the world of cooking

4. Using fresh vegetables, fruits, cheese and other products, Sarah creates miniature masterpieces depicting various animals, ranging from funny penguins to cute cat faces

5. The main magic is that she makes her works accessible to everyone.

6. Anyone can repeat her work, delighting their children.







