
English artist Thomas Blinks (1853 -1910) (57 works)

6 May 2011
21 678

Hunting, dogs... the hobby of aristocrats and bourgeois of the 18th-19th centuries, and even now the fashion for this has not passed. In Russia it was fashionable to keep kennels with hounds and greyhounds and organize big hunts. This fashion came to us from England. In the 19th century, love for pets grew in England. It becomes very difficult to imagine an Englishman without a dog, and many artists of that time received orders to depict animals and everything connected with them. One of these artists, depicting hunting, animal sports, and dogs, was Thomas Blinks. Years of life 1860-1912. He regularly exhibited his work at the Royal Society Gallery of Great Britain and at the Academy. Blinks was considered one of the best masters of his time, because. knew how to convey particularly well the psychology and appearance of sporting (hunting) dogs, at work, at rest, at rest, in motion...

Thomas Blinks was born in Maidstone, Kent in 1853. The boy showed artistic abilities early, but his father (a butcher) was sure that being an artist would not bring enough money and insisted on choosing a different path. Thomas worked as a tailor's apprentice for some time, but ultimately his passion for painting prevailed. It is not known for certain whether Thomas Blinks studied art in art institutions, but he definitely had a talent for depicting animals.

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