Otto Henry Bacher (1856 – 1909) (116 работ)

15 апреля 2012
4 768

BACHER, OTTO HENRY (31 May 1856-16 Aug. 1909) was one of Cleveland's first artists to travel to Europe and attain a national and international reputation. The Cleveland native was born on River St. near St. Clair Ave., son of Henry and Charlotte Bacher. He attended the CLEVELAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS. After working as a decorator of lake vessels and local mansions, he began art studies under De Scott Evans in 1874 and became one of the founders of the ART CLUB. In company with fellow Clevelanders Willis Seaver Adams and Sion Wenban, Bacher left in 1878 for Europe, where he studied at the Royal Academy in Munich and with Cincinnati artist Frank Duveneck. Following Duveneck to Italy, he became a friend of James MacNeill Whistler, who printed some of his Venetian etchings on Bacher's press. Bacher was also highly regarded for his etchings, many of them depicting scenes from his early years in Cleveland. He returned to Cleveland twice in the l880s, teaching at the Art Club and during the summer in Richfield, O. He married a former Cleveland art student, Mary Holland, in 1888. By that time he had settled in New York City, where his paintings reflected the preoccupation with light embraced by the Impressionist movement. In 1908 he published Whistler in Venice, which had appeared first as a serial in The Century magazine. Bacher died in Bronxville, N.Y., survived by his wife and 4 sons: Robert, Otto, Eugene, and Will.


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