The Art of Blade of the Immortal (АртБук) (34 работ)

13 октября 2013
4 957
Разрешение картинок от 2000x2563px до 2000x2972px

2000 x 2602

Hiroaki Samura's Blade of the Immortal epic is a unique, expertly paced manga series that mixes Edo-era samurai grudge matches with anachronistic punk attitudes and mannerisms. It's also one of the longest-running manga series in the U.S.! Samura's stirring tale of a warrior's search for redemption and a young girl's quest for revenge has taken the world by storm, winning numerous awards across the globe and spawning an anime series and a novel spinoff.

2000 x 2972

2000 x 2659

2000 x 2611

2000 x 2603

2641 x 2000

2621 x 2000

2000 x 2591

2000 x 2634

2000 x 2609

2000 x 2597

2000 x 2606

2000 x 2607

2000 x 2599

2000 x 2625

2000 x 2611

2000 x 2649

2000 x 2635

2000 x 2641

2000 x 2597

2000 x 2595

2000 x 2607

2000 x 2606

2000 x 2605

2000 x 2609

2000 x 2615

2000 x 2643

2000 x 2610

2620 x 2000

2000 x 2563


Размер архива 56.53 Mb, был загружен 148 раз
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