Small houses and friendly grannies of Galina Khrisanova (30 photos)
It seems that playing with dolls is exclusively the prerogative of children. On the one hand, this is true. But many adults would be happy to play with toys such as this craftswoman makes. More precisely, they became nostalgic, immersed in a microcosm of tender memories.
By training, Galina is an artist of historical painting and animation cinematography. And the creation of miniatures became a hobby and the main direction of creativity. These are tiny huts, cozy houses covered with ivy and grapes, and, of course, people.
Galina Khrisanova
The main characters of the artist’s sketches are pensioners. They live their lives, proving that retirement is not the end. Grandmothers and grandfathers go to the dacha to collect the harvest, water the flowers, make preparations, clean clothes, go for mushrooms, knit, chat, play with their grandchildren, enjoy a leisurely conversation over a cup of tea and shared memories.
Khrisanova makes both abstract houses, toys and compositions, and recreates miniatures from photographs, helping people immerse themselves in warm memories and feel nostalgic about the bright moments of life.