An accident that became a calling (50 photos)

25 March 2024
1 718
Category: painting, 0+

Usually in the biographies of painters it is said that the passion for drawing began in early childhood. But this artist is an exception.

Vyacheslav Anatolyevich Cherdakov was born in 1955 in Rakvere in Estonia. The family moved to Rybinsk when the boy was still a baby. As Slava grew up, his mother took him to an art school that had recently opened in the city in order to occupy her son’s time with something.

The boy did not feel particularly enthusiastic. Several times I even tried to give up art in order to read and observe the life of forest inhabitants. But at the insistence of my parents I still had to finish school.

Unexpectedly for himself and those around him, Cherdakov entered the Yaroslavl Art School. After practice at school, Vyacheslav realized that he had gone overboard and asked to be taken into the army. But his destiny caught up with him in the service: although the guy ended up in the engineering troops, by order of the command he was engaged in design work at the club.

After service, Cherdakov graduated from college and got involved in work. When the difficult 90s arrived, and art faded into the background, I had to make do with prosaic ways of earning money, such as working as a watchman. But the craving for painting has already become part of the meaning of Cherdakov’s life.

By pure chance, the artist’s works ended up at the exhibition, where they received an honorable second place. And a cash prize. Which became an additional incentive to continue writing.

The artist works very fruitfully: a landscape (they are the main direction) can be painted in a few hours. But with preliminary preparation. The source of inspiration for the master is nature. Always was and remains.

It cannot be said that there is some kind of deep secret message in Cherdakov’s paintings. Or they are full of symbols. Russian nature in the landscape painter’s paintings is as it is, without embellishment. But at the same time, it is precisely thanks to realism and simplicity that the paintings acquire a special tenderness and allow the viewer to accurately feel the simple magic of the diversity and beauty of our country.

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