17 children from medieval paintings who were painted not as cuties, but as scary people (18 photos)

17 December 2023
1 856
Category: painting, 16+, children

The Middle Ages and the Renaissance are periods that are famous for serious and majestic works of art. Artists raised important themes and asked existential questions, trying to play with them in their works.

However, there is one interesting and very unusual feature in the paintings of that time - ugly images of children. On some canvases they look simply funny, on others they look extremely unrealistic and even creepy.

Looking at these kids, a logical question arises: “Couldn’t artists have depicted children more beautiful?” No, they couldn't. And there are several reasons for this. Read about them below.

Painting from 1505 by Albrecht Durer, located in the National Gallery of Art, Washington

Funny baby drawn by Italian artist Paolo Uccello

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"Very nice, king"

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Why were children depicted in the paintings in such a strange way? Didn't the artists of the past know how to draw? You may be shocked, but the talent of the creators has nothing to do with it. Children were deliberately portrayed as ugly. It's all about religion. Most of the paintings of that time were created by order of the church. This means that all children were drawn in the image of Jesus or the biblical babies.

According to the holy scriptures, Jesus was born in the likeness of an adult (homunculus), and not a child. This is what influenced the way artists depicted babies. Over time, people became so accustomed to this style that they could no longer imagine how differently children could look on artistic canvases.


He's obviously flirting with someone

Why does this child look like an adult?


Artists of the past were least interested in naturalism. They were more inclined to depict expressionist traditions and subjects. It is worth saying that medieval paintings boast not only unlikable babies, but also rather unsympathetic adults. Although, of course, they looked a little more harmonious.

Stopudovo is planning a prank

We all look something like this on Monday morning

Cyclops, is that you?

Seriousness itself

The moment when mom asks to take a photo with her and pose properly

That very moment when someone said obvious nonsense

The crown will obviously be too small

Painting by the artist Masaccio “Virgin and Child”, 1426

A little later, the children stopped looking like creepy little people. The financial situation of middle-class people increased, which allowed them to order portraits of their children from artists. Now they wanted their babies to look cute. Homunculus-like images gradually became a thing of the past. This is how the standards in art have changed in many ways.

Suspicion. You're definitely not up to anything, are you?

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