Wonderful paintings by Sergei Vladimirovich Dorofeev (25 photos)
Born May 08, 1969 in Zaporozhye (USSR). Education: Moscow Academic School of Design (with honors). Member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia Member of the Russian Association of Marine Painters. He has been painting since 1983. He graduated from the Zaporozhye art school.
Worked in the studio of the artist V.A. Piskunov. Since 1990 he has taken part in various exhibitions and worked professionally.
Exhibited in art salons and galleries in Moscow and abroad.
In 2005, he graduated from the Moscow Academic School of Design as an interior designer.
However, he considers painting to be the main thing in his work. The works of the artist Sergei Dorofeev are in various private foreign and Russian collections. Works in various genres (landscape, floristry, sea, still life) and in various techniques (mainly oil, watercolor).