
American artist Gerald Harvey Jones (110 works)

17 March 2013
10 580

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1019 x 759

Gerald Harvey Jones (known as G. Harvey) (b. 1933) was born and raised in the north hills of San Antonio, Texas.

Harvey's interest in drawing began as a child. Over time, his pencil sketches developed into more serious graphics and oil painting.

After graduating from Texas State University, Harvey studied in Austin. After some time, he realized that going to sketches and going to nature with easels did not satisfy his love for painting and did not allow him to fully express himself.

Harvey's paintings are filled with light and soft, warm colors. The style is somewhat reminiscent of Russian impressionists.

Subjects, especially urban ones, show us not the harsh reality, but the romantic beauty of urban life in an American city at the beginning of the century. Snow, crowds of people, the end of the day - all this is presented in a romantic, warm light. The artist conveyed to us a feeling of comfort, although it would seem that comfort and a big city are completely incompatible concepts, but the author was able to see and convey all this to us. And his subtle color scheme in his works and painting technique help even more to feel what the artist himself felt.

The presence of horses in the urban landscape also adds to the romance, since this was a transitional time - cars gradually replaced horses. And their presence in the works allows us to remember those times when the horse was with people always and everywhere. And the contrast of the mighty shires and children standing nearby with balloons or flower sellers makes the mood in the works especially warm and comfortable.

During his career, the artist was able to achieve fairly high public recognition. His first bronze sculptures and paintings are now in museum collections, in private collections, in the possession of American presidents, governors and many other major figures of the American public. The Smithsonian Institution chose Harvey to write "The Smithsonian Dream" to celebrate the organization's 150th anniversary. The artist received many awards for this work, and these events served as the motivation for writing three books.

Today, G. Harvey lives in Fredericksburg, Texas, with his wife Pat in a 150-year-old stone house built by German settlers.

800 x 770

111 x 150

2200 x 1647

850 x 563

485 x 759

2495 x 3000

800 x 664

1592 x 2144

951 x 756

655 x 800

3000 x 2426

588 x 800

630 x 757

637 x 800

2492 x 3000

3000 x 2262

800 x 546

1016 x 758

566 x 752

2121 x 2600

2245 x 1792

1150 x 1179

1010 x 756

850 x 632

800 x 539

602 x 800

2397 x 3000

3000 x 2521

2535 x 3000


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