
Artist - illustrator Viktor Aleksandrovich Chizhikov (33 works)

30 November 2012
12 551

Viktor Aleksandrovich Chizhikov (b. September 26, 1935, Moscow) - People's Artist of Russia, author of the Olympic bear cub Mishka, mascot of the XXII Summer Olympic Games. Long-time illustrator for Around the World magazine.
Born into a family of employees in Moscow.
1953 Graduated from Moscow secondary school No. 103.
1952 Started working for the newspaper “Housing Worker”, where he gained his first experience as a cartoonist.
1953-1958 Study at the Moscow Printing Institute in the art department.
Since 1955 - Works in the Krokodil magazine.
Since 1956 - Works in the magazine “Funny Pictures”.
Since 1958 - Works in the magazine "Murzilka".
Since 1959 - Works in the magazine “Around the World”.
He also worked in “Evening Moscow”, “Pionerskaya Pravda”, “Young Naturalist”, “Young Guard”, “Ogonyok”, “Pioneer”, “Week” and other periodicals.
Since 1960, he has been illustrating books for the publishing houses “Malysh”, “Children’s Literature”, “Fiction”, etc.
Member of the Union of Journalists of Russia (since 1960). Member of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation (since 1968). Member of the editorial board of the magazine “Murzilka” (since 1965). Chairman of the jury of the Tick-Tock children's drawing competition, held by the Mir television company (since 1994).
In 2010, he sued the NTV television company over the issue of copyright ownership of the Olympic bear cub Mishka.
The courts concluded that V. Chizhikov developed a two-dimensional sketch of the Olympic bear cub. Based on the sketch by V.A. Chizhikov. Variants of interpretation of the Olympic mascot - 80 have been developed: contour, silhouette (artist V. Stupin), by type of sport (artist Migunov E.); as well as his solution in volume (artist V. Ropov).
Due to the fact that the “voluminous” teddy bear has a voluminous belt with Olympic rings, a modified design due to its volume, and an image of the teddy bear from the back, the courts considered that this work, created by processing the plaintiff’s work, is of an independent nature. By virtue of Article 492 of the Civil Code of the RSFSR of 1964, applied in 1980, the copyright in this work belongs to the person who processed it.
By the decision of the Presnensky District Court of Moscow, left unchanged by the ruling of the judicial panel for civil cases of the Moscow City Court, the stated demands were denied

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