
Artist Evgeny Gololobov (74 works)

26 March 2012
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Evgeny Gololobov was born in 1981 in the village of Volynshchino, Bekovsky district, Penza region.
In 2004 he graduated from the Penza Art College named after. K.A. Savitsky (painting department).
Since 2010, member of the Russian Union of Artists.
The first exhibitions took place in 2002.
2007, Moscow, Ts.D.Kh. – participant of the All-Russian art exhibition “Young Artists of Russia”. 2007, October, St. Petersburg - exhibition dedicated to the opening of the N-Prospect Gallery and the Cultural Heritage Foundation.
2007, October – participant in the CHRISTIE`S auction.
2007, December, UK - participant in the exhibition “RUSSIAN ART EXIBITION”.
2007, Penza - participant of the Regional exhibition.
2008, Yaroslavl - participant of the Interregional exhibition.
2008, February, Saratov – participant of the Interregional exhibition “Youth of Russia”.
2008, March - participant in the CHRISTIE`S auction.
2008, April, Samara – participant of the joint exhibition “I Feel Nature with My Soul”.
2008, April – participant in the CHRISTIE`S auction.
2008, May, Cheboksary – participant of the Interregional exhibition “Big Volga - X”.
2008, May, the country of Montenegro - participant in the first International Plein Air "Montenegro - May 2008". 2008, the country of Montenegro – participant of the exhibition.
2008, St. Petersburg – participant of the exhibition “The Road to the Temple”.
2009, Serdobsk - participant of the joint exhibition “Montenegro”.
2009, April, Penza - participant of the regional exhibition.
2009, Samara - participant of the exhibition. The Velvet season.
2009, Nizhny Novgorod - participant of the joint exhibition “Small corners of the big land”.
2010, Penza personal exhibition.
2010, Penza regional exhibition. "70 years of the Union."
2010, Saransk participant of the Interregional exhibition, "Young Volga".
2010, Moscow. Palette of Penza artists.
The artist's works are in private collections in Russia, the USA, China, France, and Great Britain. Lives and works in the village of Bekovo, Penza region.

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