30 creative ways to color Easter eggs (31 photos)

24 May 2024

Even Easter eggs can be art if you paint them creatively and creatively. Netizens shared interesting examples of unusually colored eggs - and each of them is unique in some way. You can draw space, flowers, animals, abstractions, complex patterns and even portraits on eggs. Let's look at the most creative ones!

1. Easter egg as art

2. Yes, Easter eggs can be stylish too.

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3. What a beauty!

4. Miniature paintings on each

5. Spring mood

6. Fine and very beautiful work

7. An egg in the shape of an angel (this is how angels were described in the Bible)

8. Each egg is like a work of art

9. "Astro-eggs" inspired by space images from the James Webb Telescope

10. M - minimalism

11. Eggs with natural motifs

12. How many beautiful things can be drawn on eggs

13. And all this is handmade

14. How cute!

15. Eggs with hand-drawn patterns

16. Ceramic eggs

17. Eggs with animals

18. Everyone comes up with their own ideas for drawings

19. These can be complex patterns

20. Or they can be simple but creative

21. A little more cuteness

22. Wooden eggs using decoupage technique

23. Another interesting pattern

24. And here is a whole collection

25. Flower eggs

26. Decoupage technique

27. Eggs colored with onion skins

28. Creative

29. You can even draw portraits on them!

30. Stylish Easter


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