Women in helmets by Catherine Longhurst (8 photos)
Catherine Longhurst was born in the German Democratic Republic, where at the age of 14 she began taking her first drawing lessons. When she was fifteen, her family escaped the Iron Curtain to Sweden. The abrupt transition from a totalitarian regime to democracy ignited in Catherine a passion for exploring the concepts of freedom of speech and self-expression - concepts that permeate her work today.
Having traveled extensively throughout Europe, Asia and America, Catherine Longhurst settled in Sydney with her Australian husband. She continued to work hard, and in 2004 she staged her first exhibition, becoming famous for her portraits of beautiful women in military equipment against the backdrop of communist propaganda symbols.
Extensive experience living in different countries of the world gave Katrin a unique perspective on the role of women in media. The artist’s latest works no longer refer to communist propaganda, but to the power of advertising in our lives under the capitalist system. The theme of sexuality and freedom is skillfully presented. The female images simultaneously seduce and shout that “propaganda is all around us. It is not inherent in any one period of time, in any one country or regime... it is everywhere.”