
Works by artist Sung Sam Park (79 works)

19 December 2013
9 829

Разрешение картинок от 305x405px до 1400x1160px

1280 x 1008

Sung Sam Park, born in 1949 and raised in Korea. After graduating from Jung Ang University in 1973, the artist traveled around France studying painting.
His artistic style today clearly reflects the influence of the French Impressionists and along with this, a strong individuality is visible in his work.

The subject of the paintings is dedicated to his travels through the countries of Europe, Italy, France; they are filled with sunlight and bright colors, vividly conveying the beauty of what he saw.

Currently lives in America, on the coast of Southern California.

1280 x 1008

1280 x 1010

1280 x 1010

1018 x 660

1280 x 1013

1280 x 1010

940 x 733

1280 x 1010

1280 x 1010

1280 x 1005

1280 x 1005

1280 x 1005

1280 x 1005

1280 x 1010

1280 x 1010

1280 x 1005

1280 x 1008

1280 x 1008

1280 x 1001

1280 x 1008

1280 x 1008

1280 x 1008

1280 x 1005

1020 x 756

1280 x 998

1280 x 1008

1280 x 1013

1280 x 1005

1280 x 1010


Archive size 31.68 Mb, downloaded 326 times

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  1. captainaaa
    31 December 2014 21:01
    + 0 -
    Благодарю. С Новым годом Вас!

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