Name from a postcard. Vladimir Ivanovich Chetverikov (78 postcards)
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Chetverikov Vladimir Ivanovich. (03/16/1943-03/09/1992)
“My father was born in Moscow, graduated from the Stroganov Institute. Worked in the genre of graphics. Illustrated book publications. After some time, he came to the genre of postal miniatures, which became the crown of his creative career. By and large, he brought a new direction to it and made it more interesting. My father’s works were in great demand and people lined up for them, which I myself witnessed. The circulation of postcards has constantly increased, and, as far as I know, today this record has not yet been surpassed.
Vladimir Ivanovich was a talented draftsman, but he did not immediately develop his own style of “writing.” He gradually introduced, so to speak, the “Disney vibe,” which was his idol. But it was Soviet times and this was not welcomed. If you pay attention, the animals depicted are “our” hares, bears, and chanterelles. It was strictly forbidden to depict a foreign animal.
Even funny things happened. Father depicted animals sitting in a boat. And as soon as the trial edition was released, the publishing house received an angry letter from a war veteran, in which he reported that if the postcard was turned over, the ship resembled a fascist helmet. Indeed, with some imagination, the similarity was observed and the circulation was “cut down.”
In general, my father was a very cheerful and witty person..."
Gennady Chetverikov “Memories of my father.”