
Artist Igor Levashov (62 works)

30 July 2013
9 871

Разрешение картинок от 400x133px до 450x1405px

668 x 500

A true passion for flowers gives birth to gorgeous paintings. This ability of Igor Levashov to capture and convey the soft and romantic essence of flowers makes us captives of his works and we are unable to take our eyes off them.

Levashov depicts flower petals in his paintings, from graceful rose petals to virgin tulip petals, with amazing skill and unique precision. Bathed in a sparkling sheen, his warm paintings invite us to step into them to appreciate their beauty.

Igor Levashov was born in Russia. But he wanted to fulfill his dream of becoming a highly professional artist and went to continue his studies abroad, in the Netherlands, where he still lives. After intensively studying painting in the style of realism at the Surikov Institute and getting acquainted with contemporary art at the Royal Academy in The Hague, Igor settled on painting flowers. He has brought his skill to such a level that his paintings are valued by collectors all over the world. His flower paintings demonstrate high technical skill, rivaling that of the Old Masters.

621 x 804

225 x 450

400 x 300

668 x 500

400 x 297

400 x 267

595 x 847

400 x 319

400 x 266

400 x 1000

400 x 267

180 x 450

375 x 500

375 x 500

668 x 500

352 x 1000

550 x 1006

400 x 400

400 x 264

347 x 450

301 x 450

547 x 994

400 x 400

375 x 500

375 x 500

147 x 450

650 x 648

650 x 514

400 x 300


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