Eugene Samuel Grasset (150 works)
Разрешение картинок от 473x760px до 776x1046px
487 x 760
Eugene Samuel Grasset (May 25, 1845 – October 23, 1917) was a Swiss artist and decorator, one of the first masters to embody the spirit of the Belle Epoque and the Art Nouveau style.
Worked in Paris.
476 x 760
760 x 579
486 x 760
760 x 567
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760 x 577
760 x 578
760 x 558
760 x 560
513 x 760
487 x 760
553 x 760
493 x 760
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760 x 562
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760 x 554
544 x 760
479 x 760
473 x 760
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486 x 760
760 x 575
760 x 584
760 x 568

Archive size 24.9 Mb, downloaded 257 times