Illustrations for the book about Winnie the Pooh and Everyone-all-all! (22 works)
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The children's book "Winnie the Pooh and Everything-Everything-Everything" is probably still loved by everyone, and the cartoon about a clumsy bear evokes only positive emotions and sincere laughter...
The very first person in the world to see Winnie the Pooh was Ernest Sheppard! It was he, and no one else, who painted the Hundred Acre Wood and Everyone-Everyone-Everyone in it.
By the way, no one knows for sure that the prototype of the painted Winnie the Pooh was a teddy bear, but not of Christopher Robin, but of Ernest Sheppard’s son. This bear's name was Growler (or Grumpy) and, unlike Milnov's, he was very plump laughing. True, and not so fluffy...
Eduard Nazarov drew for the Soviet cartoon Winnie the Pooh, but it turns out that not only for cartoons... he illustrated books about him! One of them was published in Moscow in 1985 and was called “Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all: Retelling from English by B.V. Zakhoder.” In total there were more than 30 illustrations, and in some of them Tigger, Little Roo, and Rabbit's friends-and-relatives, who were not in the cartoons, appear.