Iconic Chinese photographer Don Hong-Oai (41 works)
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Don Hong-Oai has only recently become known to the general public in the United States. His amazing photographs were known mainly to connoisseurs of Chinese classical painting and collectors of refined taste. When creating his masterpieces, the photographer does not use any image processing programs.
Hong-Oai works in the style of “Chinese pictorialism”. Each composition is a combination of several negatives. The photographer is a member of the International Federation of Photographic Art in Switzerland and the Chinatown Photographic Society. Was awarded prizes from Kodak, Ilford and Fotokina.
Don Hong-Oai was born in 1929 in China. At the age of seven, he was sent to study at the Saigon Portrait Studio, where he studied the basics of photography. In 1950, the photographer came to Vietnam University College of Art to teach photography. In 1979, he immigrated to the United States illegally and has lived there in the Chinese community ever since.
His unique "Chinese" style of work has recently become very popular with the general public, and his fine art photographs are currently being sold all over the world.