Rubaiyat by Omar Khayam, illustrated by Edmun Dulac (22 works) 25 April 2013 6 004 0 Category: Art and hand-drawn graphics, 0+ Image resolution from 1032x1287px to 1048x1478px 1048 x 14571048 x 14781048 x 14711048 x 14641048 x 14581048 x 14701048 x 14621048 x 14581048 x 14401032 x 12871048 x 14691048 x 14551048 x 14641048 x 14671048 x 14611048 x 14471048 x 14581048 x 14291048 x 14731032 x 13871048 x 14461048 x 1442 Download Archive size 12.67 Mb, downloaded 193 times Share the news with your friends: Facebook Twitter Pinterest +2