Felix Octavius Carr Darley (June 23, 1822 – March 27, 1888) (356 работ)

28 сентября 2013
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Размер архива 41.47 Mb, был загружен 222 раз
1 комментарий
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  1. Noogekin3
    1 октября 2013 08:35
    5 комментариев
    + 0 -

    I see that the post above it titled 'Felix Octavius Carr Darley (June 23, 1822 – March 27, 1888)'. This is incorrect. The striking women doing interesting things are instead drawn by Flix Meynet. I thought perhaps this might be worth a mention.

    After I re-oriented myself I enjoyed the post quite a bit nonetheless. Thanks to whoever took the time to post it.

