Photos of the city of Mumbai, India (150 photos)

14 July 2013
8 747
Category: travel, 0+

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2592 x 1944

Mumbai is the most populous city in India: in 2008, the city's population was 13,662,885 people. Together with its satellite cities, it forms the fifth largest urban agglomeration in the world. The area occupied by Greater Mumbai is 603.4 sq. km. The city stretches along the coast of the Arabian Sea for 140 km.

Located at an altitude of 10 meters above sea level. The population density is 21,665 people per square meter. km., about 1/2 of the population are Marathas, about 1/4 are Gujaratis. The city itself occupies the Isle of Bombay and the southern part of Solsett Island, which are connected by bridges and causeways.

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