
Panoramas of Yaroslav Koval (author's) - part 1/3 (21 photos)

24 June 2013
4 988

Разрешение картинок от 1920x1080px до 6295x1000px

4792 x 1000

Over the years, I have accumulated some beautiful things. Mostly from nature, of course. On the 11th floor from my window in the spring/summer, sunsets like this happen. I share it in wallpaper resolution 1920x1080.

2585 x 1000

4047 x 1000

6295 x 1000

1920 x 1080

1920 x 1080

2521 x 1000

1920 x 1080

3865 x 1000

1920 x 1080

1920 x 1080

2411 x 1080

1920 x 1080

1920 x 1080

1920 x 1080

4101 x 1000

1920 x 1080

4306 x 1000

1920 x 1080

1920 x 1080


Archive size 12.51 Mb, downloaded 120 times

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