American painter Gilbert Stuart (1755-1828) (228 works) 27 November 2013 4 844 0 Category: Art and hand-drawn graphics, 0+ 713 x 856 746 x 901 714 x 911 789 x 951 514 x 760 738 x 901 2076 x 3334 2404 x 2903 754 x 1000 721 x 901 512 x 618 511 x 760 650 x 650 594 x 719 565 x 760 955 x 1214 544 x 768 714 x 901 755 x 983 534 x 760 711 x 901 757 x 901 350 x 500 796 x 980 934 x 734 2517 x 3000 630 x 650 577 x 760 729 x 901 473 x 760 Download Archive size 94.05 Mb, downloaded 149 times Previous page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Next page Share the news with your friends: Facebook Twitter Pinterest +6