Marina Shcherbinina (49 works)
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Maria Shcherbinina was born into the family of an artist in Moscow in 1965. She graduated from the Moscow Higher Art-Industrial School, the famous institute founded by Sergei Stroganov, and which retains much of the influence of Lissitzky, Kandinsky and Malevich, who in the 20s transformed VKHUTEMAS into VKHUTEIN, and then into the Higher Art-Industrial School.
Soon after graduating from the institute, Maria Shcherbinina began to exhibit her works in such famous places as the Central House of Artists and the Moscow House of Artists on Kuznetsky Most. Later, in 2000, she began to exhibit in foreign galleries. She now regularly exhibits at the renowned Medici Gallery in London, and also collaborates with the Oriel Gallery and other galleries in Ireland and the United Kingdom.
Maria Shcherbinina actively works not only in the studio, but also in the open air, both in Russia and abroad. With the help of sonorous color chords, her works convey light, mood, and the state of nature.