
Paintings in the genre of hyperrealism, which are almost impossible to distinguish from photographs (18 photos)

9 September 2019
20 071

An artist from Georgia named Irakli Nadar paints in the genre of hyperrealism. In his works, he draws the smallest details with surgical precision, bringing them to perfection. Some of the artist’s paintings look so realistic that they can easily be confused with a photograph. Irakli masterfully transfers both light and shadow onto the canvas, repeating each highlight. Let's take a look at Nadar's impressive work.

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1 comment
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  1. Zextas
    17 September 2019 16:01
    + +11 -
    Да, всё красиво. Вот только "рисует" этот цифровой художник не красками на холсте, а цифровым пером на графическом планшете, это "немного" разные вещи.Об этом можно без труда прочитать в интернете. Не вводите людей в заблуждение!

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