Roll into the dawn... Artist Igor Panov (21 photos)
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Igor Panov was born in 1969 in Togliatti. Lives and works in his hometown. In 2001 he graduated from the St. Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I.E. Repin (workshop of Professor V.V. Sokolov). Member of the Union of Artists of Russia and the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts, laureate of the National Prize in the field of contemporary fine and decorative arts "Russian Gallery of the XXI Century".
Sometimes he “bails off” his beloved family, earning his living by painting copies or large orders, and goes straight to his favorite rural landscapes. To touching rickety huts, leaning willows, to battered shutters and fences. And sometimes he brings himself to creative idleness, literally drowning in these artistic and human impressions, which still need to settle before meeting the canvas.
- I'm not a fan of industrialization and I don't like cities because of their straight lines. My romance is rustic and simply natural.
That is why the artist’s canvases contain yellow, warm river sand. And boyish figures soaked in the sun on the shore. And space, and freedom, and sun.