Favorite artists of our childhood. Part 4 - Books with illustrations by Viktor Chizhikov (72 works)
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The archive includes the following books: Volkov A. - The Wizard of the Emerald City, Dobrovensky R. and V. Chizhikov - Behind the treble clef, Plyatskovsky M. - I flew on a cloud, Usachev A. - School in Dedmorozovka (illustrations by E. Zdornova, author of artistic images V.A. Chizhikov), Aleksandrova Z. - My bear, English - choose the right word, Andersen G. H. - Flint, Barto A. - Ignorant Bear, Barto A. - Grandma had forty grandchildren, Bisset D. - Forgotten birthday, Geraskina L. - In the land of unlearned lessons, Dragunsky V. - Twenty years under the bed, Druzhkov Yu. -
Magic school, Green R. - Chest, Kuzmin L. - Good afternoon, Kuzmin L. - Stargazers, Lyubimtseva Yu. - As best as possible, Marshak S. - About everything in the world. The ABC in verse, Mikhalkov S. - Holiday of disobedience, Mikhalkov S. - Fairy tales, Mikhalkov S. - A dream with a continuation (from Murzilka), Nosov N. - Vitya Maleev at school and at home, Plyatskovsky M. - A smile makes a gloomy day brighter, Rodari D. - The Adventures of Cipollino, Uspensky e. - Vera and Anfisa in kindergarten, Uspensky e. - Uncle Fedor, dog and cat, Uspensky E. - Fur boarding school, Chizhikov V. - Man and the bear, Chizhikov V. - Here you go with a brush, Chizhikov V. - Petya and Potap, Chukovsky K. - Doctor Aibolit, Chukovsky K. - Riddles, Schwartz E. and others - Magic colors, Uspensky E. - Down the magic river, Yakhnin L. - Square of cardboard clocks, Ladonshchikov G. - Between pines and birches, Milne A. - Winnie the Pooh and all-all- everything and others (41 books).