Artist Alexander Andreev (109 works)

1 August 2013
10 582

Разрешение картинок от 448x720px до 958x720px

508 x 720

Born in Saratov (Russia), 1952.
Graduated from an art studio in Vilnius (Lithuania).
Graduated from the Kiev Institute of Civil Aviation (now KNAU).
Awarded the Yuri Kondratyuk medal for his contribution to the development of art in Ukraine.
Member of the Union of Designers of Ukraine.
Honorary member of the Dukhovna Spadshchina charitable foundation.
Thoroughly masters a variety of artistic techniques.
Participated in many international exhibitions.
Works in the field of easel painting, wood carving, and applied art.
Lives and works in Kyiv
Private collections:
CIS, Poland, Lithuania, Germany, France, USA.

960 x 677

960 x 715

960 x 413

960 x 711

563 x 720

960 x 518

960 x 650

940 x 720

960 x 663

939 x 720

960 x 680

908 x 720

960 x 682

619 x 720

867 x 720

720 x 720

960 x 652

531 x 720

958 x 720

565 x 720

960 x 643

960 x 496

960 x 589

581 x 720

594 x 720

960 x 689

960 x 488

960 x 697

592 x 720


Archive size 9.82 Mb, downloaded 219 times

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