Indian Designs (23 works)
Разрешение картинок от 2110x1580px до 4252x4606px
3544 x 3544![]()
The images above come from small clipart book called 'Native Designs from India' © Maarten Hesselt van Dinter, 2007.
Images scanned from the book 'Native Designs from India' by Maarten Hesselt van Dinter, 2007.
3191 x 3055![]()
3544 x 3544![]()
2564 x 1922![]()
3106 x 3171![]()
3341 x 3464![]()
3423 x 3055![]()
3740 x 3973![]()
2110 x 1580![]()
4252 x 4606![]()
3668 x 3750![]()
2658 x 2658![]()
3873 x 3982![]()
3518 x 3000![]()
3189 x 3544![]()
3618 x 3391![]()
2658 x 2481![]()
3544 x 3634![]()
3898 x 3898![]()
3243 x 3264![]()
3012 x 3060![]()
2658 x 2658![]()
3409 x 3627![]()

Archive size 21.35 Mb, downloaded 136 times