Indian Designs (23 works)

18 July 2013
4 292

Разрешение картинок от 2110x1580px до 4252x4606px

3544 x 3544

The images above come from small clipart book called 'Native Designs from India' © Maarten Hesselt van Dinter, 2007.
Images scanned from the book 'Native Designs from India' by Maarten Hesselt van Dinter, 2007.

3191 x 3055

3544 x 3544

2564 x 1922

3106 x 3171

3341 x 3464

3423 x 3055

3740 x 3973

2110 x 1580

4252 x 4606

3668 x 3750

2658 x 2658

3873 x 3982

3518 x 3000

3189 x 3544

3618 x 3391

2658 x 2481

3544 x 3634

3898 x 3898

3243 x 3264

3012 x 3060

2658 x 2658

3409 x 3627


Archive size 21.35 Mb, downloaded 136 times

  • People and smileys emojis
    Animals and nature emojis
    Food and drinks emojis
    Activities emojis
    Travelling and places emojis
    Objects emojis
    Symbols emojis
    Flags emojis
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