
Still lifes by Raymond Campbell (39 works)

6 May 2013
22 272

Разрешение картинок от 420x277px до 785x942px

650 x 773

Raymond Campbell was born in 1956. Currently working in the UK. He traveled around the world and studied the painting and techniques of the Old Masters and eventually became captivated by the 17th century still lifes of Dutch artists.

His work has been exhibited in the UK, Australia and America.

307 x 420

309 x 420

785 x 942

650 x 846

735 x 1000

698 x 541

312 x 420

600 x 760

313 x 420

315 x 420

336 x 420

361 x 420

420 x 527

420 x 511

500 x 321

650 x 785

650 x 785

420 x 349

398 x 480

420 x 277

300 x 560

678 x 900

537 x 1000

640 x 426

400 x 481

533 x 700

785 x 517

329 x 420

830 x 557


Archive size 4.45 Mb, downloaded 293 times

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