
Federico Andreotti (1847-1930) (23 works)

30 April 2013
11 720

Разрешение картинок от 1000x681px до 2101x3000px

1000 x 810

Federico Andreotti - Italian painter, representative of academic classicism, was born in Florence, where he received academic artistic training.
Many of the artist’s canvases depict love scenes, beautiful women and men, and lovers secluded in a quiet place.

768 x 942

1000 x 744

1164 x 1500

1119 x 1561

1113 x 1362

1000 x 1373

1134 x 1500

838 x 1124

1000 x 706

1000 x 726

2101 x 3000

1077 x 1500

1000 x 681

1000 x 1362

1095 x 1407

1135 x 824

1128 x 1500

1097 x 1500

951 x 1259

915 x 1200

1206 x 1888

1000 x 813


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