Молоді кхмерські буддисти на фотографіях Нгуєна Ву Фуока (31 фото)

15 листопада 2023

One of the most famous Vietnamese photographers, Nguyen Vu Phuoc, a recognized master, presented a new series of photographs. He documented the tradition of leaving home among Khmer Buddhists. According to Khmer custom, young men aged 16 and over often leave their families and go to the temple to become monks and spend several years studying.

Leaving home out of “filial piety” (one of the central concepts in Confucian ethics and philosophy) is a long-standing tradition among the Khmers in southern Vietnam. The ceremony is usually held before or after the Chol Chnam Thmai festival (mid-April).

Young men leave their homes to go to the temple to become monks and study for one to several years. This is completely voluntary as they go to the temple for spiritual practice. Leaving home out of filial piety towards grandparents, parents and ancestors in general. considered correct and beautiful in the young Khmer Buddhist community.

It is also important that only young people who have undergone spiritual practice in the temple have the opportunity to get married. Girls and their families only like boys who have gone through monastic life.

In South Vietnamese Khmer culture, becoming a monk can take many forms. Based on faith and happiness in the Three Refuges and the Buddha Dharma, monks vow to practice holiness for the rest of their lives. Moreover, many people decide to leave their home out of filial piety towards their parents, and the timing of the practice depends on each person's decision.

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The Khmer community is heavily influenced by folk beliefs as well as Brahmanism and Buddhism, especially Buddhism. Buddhist culture dominated most of Khmer life. They retain the inner conviction that, according to the teachings of the Buddha, there is no better filial piety than becoming a monk in return for being raised and educated. Young men must maintain the dignity and purity of the commandments. Moreover, under the guidance of the priests who train them, they try to correct bad habits and become better people.

When a young man decides to go to a temple for spiritual practice, several months before the ceremony he must ask his parents for permission and memorize the basic sutras. The day before the official ceremony, the boys' heads are shaved, they are given sarongs instead of regular clothing, and a white cloth called Penexo is draped over their shoulders from left to right. This ritual means that the young man has renounced the secular world. The initiate's relatives invite monks to their home to read the sutras and perform the necessary rituals. The whole family and neighbors are present, everyone conveys their best wishes to the newly made monk, and he, in turn, says goodbye to relatives and friends.

A son leaving home out of filial piety makes parents feel happy and proud in the eyes of their neighbors. This means that they are a family with culture, order, wonderful customs and traditions, and a good education. Therefore, most Khmer families want their sons to become monks. They also believe that time spent in the temple will teach their son to be a good person in society.

Nowadays, this tradition has become a little weaker in the Khmer community, but is still highly respected. A person, regardless of his status and level of education, is not really considered an adult unless he has been a student monk. The main goal is not to become a Buddha, but to become a good and useful person. Receive moral instructions, useful knowledge, experience of compassion. And then, after leaving the temple, the young man will be able to build a meaningful and righteous life.

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